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The latest updates from fusion processing
UK Tech Company Develops Fully Autonomous Crew Van
Long-wheelbase crew van converted to AV Level 4 Autonomy Development vehicle for world-leading autonomous bus...Continue reading
Fusion Processing And Bradshaw Electric Vehicles To Develop Autonomous Tow Tractors
Fully Autonomous (unmanned) Tow Tractors aka Tugs will transform warehouse and airport logistics Autonomous technology...Continue reading
Blog: Navigating the Challenges of 2020…
Without question, 2020 has been a year we will remember. The Covid19 pandemic has impacted...Continue reading
Blog: What is a true AV Level 4 autonomous vehicle?
For many years people have been waiting with bated breath for the promise of completely...Continue reading
Edinburgh to be most ‘driverless’ city in the world
As reported by the Scottish Mail on Sunday Thanks to the CAVForth project and our...Continue reading
Fusion Processing analyses Covid19 Traffic Flow
Advanced TrafficTrak® system delivers over 98% accurate traffic monitoring Data suggests Bristolians are adhering to...Continue reading
VENTURER: A Connected Autonomous Vehicle Testbed: Capabilities, Experimental Processes and Lessons Learned
Abstract: VENTURER was one of the first three UK government funded research and innovation projects...Continue reading
Government pledges investment for buses and bus infrastructure
We welcome this week’s news that UK Government is investing in buses and bus infrastructure....Continue reading
Public premiere demo for the UK’s first full-size autonomous bus
Fusion Processing, Alexander Dennis and Stagecoach Group showcase autonomous bus in action Technology demonstrator paves...Continue reading
And that’s a wrap!
As an exciting 2020 kicks off it’s time to take stock of 2019 and draw...Continue reading
CAV Scotland summit
CAV Scotland 2019 took place at the Scottish Events Campus in Glasgow in November, providing...Continue reading
Edinburgh to be most ‘driverless’ city in the world
As reported by the Scottish Mail on Sunday Thanks to the CAVForth project and our...Continue reading
Fusion Processing continues to develop state-of-the-art technology to autonomise vehicles and improve the safety of vulnerable road users.
ADAS: We apply our autonomous tech and knowhow to regular driven vehicles.
Smart cities rely on smooth running highways for the transportation of goods and populations.
Intelligent Sensing And Control Systems For Autonomous Vehicles
The world's leading provider of AV Level 4 technology for autonomous buses