Across the Fusion Processing team, we’re working on some incredible projects. Some we can share, and others are still top secret!

In 2018 we supported multiple autonomous trials with our CAVstar® autonomous vehicle system. (CAVstar® provides a complete sensor set and control system and can be retrofitted to most vehicles). Perhaps the most high profile trial was the GATEway Project, which concluded with a fleet of Fusion controlled vehicles operating a hop-on-hop-off shuttle service along the Thames path in Greenwich. Over 1,500 members of the public rode them, making it the UK’s biggest ever autonomous trial. We were also part of the Venturer consortium that saw an autonomous Bowler Wild Cat prowling around Bristol as we tested driver / vehicle interactions with pedestrians, cyclists and other vehicles. Our CycleEye® safety systems passed the quite staggering 1-million-mile mark in 2018, delivering cycle safety to buses and HGVs in numerous trials. CycleEye® is a clever piece of kit that uses radar and optical sensors to look back along the side of a large vehicle to identify and track cyclists moving alongside, alerting the driver to their presence. We know innovation doesn’t happen in silos. Our team has been out and about, attending international events to engage with new and existing customers, showcasing our world beating technology and sharing ideas, all of which help us to craft better solutions for the industry. In 2018 our exhibition stand was prominent at the Autonomous Vehicles World Expo event in Stuttgart.

Our partnership with Stagecoach Group plc and Alexander Dennis Ltd continues to go from strength to strength as we develop the UK’s first full sized autonomous bus. We’ve done some testing in secret to fine tune the systems, and I’m thrilled to say we’re just about there. The next phase is testing the bus in the tight confines of a Stagecoach depot, where it will move autonomously around the depot, detecting and avoiding obstacles, to the re-fuel stand, go through the bus wash and park itself. Our big milestone for the 2018 was winning the CAV4 bid in November. Our consortium was one of just three in the UK to win a share of the £25m Innovate UK funding to run autonomous vehicle pilot programmes. Fusion will lead this large project, and together with Stagecoach, Alexander Dennis Ltd (ADL), Transport for Scotland, ESP Group, Edinburgh Napier University and University of West of England, we’ll be running a public service using five autonomous buses along a 14-mile route from Edinburgh to Fife, across the iconic Forth Road Bridge. We’re recruiting As we head into 2019 we will see continued expansion. We are presently seeking Radar Engineers, Image Processing Engineers, Control Systems Engineers, AI scientists, Test Engineers, Software Engineers and Project Managers. If you’d like to be part of a dynamic and hands on team, working with genuinely cutting-edge technology, we’d love to hear from you. Please send CVs and a covering letter to